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Telehealth in 3 easy steps!
Make an Appointment.
Get Comfortable!
Click your Doctor below.
Call (305) 674-5925 or Message us on
the Patient Portal
When your appointment time comes, sit down and come back to this page. Also, our staff may contact you to collect
vital information.
Once you're in our virtual waiting room, your Doctor will meet with you shortly.
*Remember to make an appointment before clicking the links below.
Pre-appointment Vital Information
We would like to provide you the best care possible while you stay home. So, please provide as much of the following health information as you can. (Via Portal or Phone call)
Blood Pressure
Pulse rate
Pulse Oximetry (%)
Pain level (0-10) Where is the Pain?
Have you had Blood work with another doctor in the last 6 mths?
Has another doctor adjusted your medication since your last visit?
Are you taking all your prescribed medications?
We understand that you may not have the equipment to answer all the above, so please just try your best.
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